Thursday, October 31, 2019

Research paper, chidren and junk food, what is the most influential Essay

Research paper, chidren and junk food, what is the most influential environment on children' love for junk food - Essay Example In this context social environment includes political and economic aspects outside the family environment. The thesis of the paper states that the family unit is better placed to deal which children food behaviors given the fact that it can regulate the impacts of social environment. Family environment is said to have the most significance impact on the choices children make especially with regard to fast foods. Mothers with a preference of junk food especially during pregnancy or breastfeeding are likely to pass the same eating choices to their children. According to a research by University of Adelaide, children can be addicted to high-sugar diet through maternal influence. The research urges that fast food is responsible for production of dopamine, which is a feel-good hormone. It remains active among the children born to mothers with high levels of the hormone. Such children will have to eat higher amounts of junk food to achieve the same stimulation. The research suggested that junk food is addictive. Some parents fall short of resisting children demands. The end result is that they give them money to purchase junk food. Fast food should be balanced with healthy food. Parents are expected to resist unhealthy demands from children especially with regard to fast foods. The internet has had a significant impact on the home environment (Whitacre 39). Parents rarely encourage healthy lifestyles for their children. In the United States, many children have television sets in their bedrooms (Whitacre 33). A rising percentage of children between 6 and 17 are said to have exposure to unhealthy food through television influence. This has led to increase energy intake through junk food. According to AAP, children should not have television sets in their bedrooms. Research indicates that a large number of children do not eat meals together with their family in most days of the week. This is encourages unchecked food behavior among children. According to studies, health y eating behaviors are said to develop when families take meals together. It is estimated that food prepared at home is more nutritious that take away or fast food. Families are better placed to regulate sugar intake and access to drinking water. This improves the food environment and minimizes the effects of fast foods. Parents are better placed to regulate the movement of children. This means they can limit access to retail venues that offer fast foods. The level of exposure and parental guidance plays a major role in the health and eating habits of a child. Parental advice can make children less susceptible to fast food campaigns (Whitacre 29). Research indicates that children tend to have parental preferences. Yet, few parents take time to discuss eating habits with their children. This has caused the social environment to overwhelm the family environment is some instances. There is a massive compaign against fast food. Some parents have rejected some schools on the basis on die t alone. Parents can influence the school diet by choosing institutions that are sensitive to children healthy diet. A compelling example is the schools that ban sodas and sugar-sweetened food. The role of social environment is expansive. Fast food bans for children would be welcome. This would mean banning some fast food restaurants that target children. It would also encourage banning fast food in school environments. The number of fast food chains has been increasing. The restaurants are available in local environments. Most of the choices

Tuesday, October 29, 2019

Academic appeal letter Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Academic appeal letter - Essay Example I was elated as Nursing has always been my passion. During the last semester, I suffered from a number of health conditions including High Blood pressure (Medical note will be presented on request). This took a toll on me, I was unable to focus on my studies, my energy level consistently kept dropping and I had to invigorate myself, which was not easy. Towards the end of semester ----- in 20--- I experienced considerable stress due to the breakdown of my relationship with my husband. His long hours of work and rotating shifts coupled with my endeavor to succeed, created an isolation period in the relationship. This was an extremely traumatic time for me as there were times when I taught he was seeing someone else. In addition to my own feelings, I also had to provide support to my son who was also going through a difficult time in Texas, where I left him. I found it extremely difficult to concentrate on completing university requirements both in terms of how I was feeling and also my need to attend to practical elements of our relationship. I was diagnosed with depression (please see attached letter of support from my counsellor). Unfortunately on November 11, 2011, my mother-in-law passed away and I was obviously very distressed as she was much close to me. I accompanied my husband to Grenada for the burial, which gave me very little time to study for my finals. I was granted special considerations during the semester in the form of extensions to my assignments but unfortunately the biggest impact was on my exam preparation. I perhaps should have applied for deferred examinations but I felt that it was better to push on and keep myself occupied with my studies. Unfortunately my preparation was significantly impacted on, as was my exam performance. While I continue to experience the impact of my relationship breakdown, I believe that my situation has improved enough for me to

Sunday, October 27, 2019

Inventions From Romania

Inventions From Romania The world without Romania There are some countries without which the world would have a completely different face from what we know today. I mean we can all imagine a world without USA, Great Britain, France, Russia or Italy. A world without hamburgers, pizza, chinesse food, a world without corporations, movies, Madonna, Michael Jackson or without Einstein. The list could go on forever. How many of you tried to think of a world without Romania? Those of you who haven’t, please pay attention Inventions For example how would you imagine the world without Romanian inventions? For the beginning try to imagine writing your entire life with a pencil.Not so convenient, right? in case you didn’t know, Petrache Poenaru, who was a famous Romanian inventor of the Enlightenment era, invented the worlds first fountain pen in 1827, and also designed the current tricolour flag of Romania. Ã…Å ¾tefan Odobleja, another Romanian scientist was one of the precursors of cybernetics. He had established many of the major themes of cybernetics regarding cybernetics and systems thinking ten years before the work of Norbert Wiener, the founder of cybernetics. How many of you flew by plane at least once in your life? Well, for traveling long distances in a short period of time we all should be grateful in the first place to Aurel Vlaicu, who built the first arrow-shaped airplane. He lost his life in 1913 near Cà ¢mpina while attempting to cross in flight the Carpathian Mountains in his aged Vlaicu II airplane. In the same category we can also remind Henry Coanda, the builder of worlds first jet powered aircraft, the Coanda-1910. He discovered and gave his name to the Coandă effect. Medicine Romanians helped medicine to develop. For example, Nicolae Paulescu, the Romanian physiologist is the inventor of insulin, a very controversial invention initially and very much disregarded, only 50 years later after 2 canadians received the Nobel prize for the same invention, he was finally recognized and declared as The True Inventor of Insulin. Another Romanian who received a Nobel Prize for his magnificent work in medicine is George Emil Palade, for discovering the vacuole. Art The history of art would have been many pages thinner without such a great sculptor as Constantin Brancusi whose works which blend simplicity and sophistication, led the way for numerous modernist sculptors. I’m sure you all heard about his works like The Endless Column, The Table of Silence, and The Gate of Kiss from Tg jiu or of Mademoiselle Pogany from Philadelphia Museum of Art which are appreciated all over the world. Romania is also famous for The Gates from Maramures which are unique for their architecture. There is Indeed no other place in the world than Bucovina in Northern Moldavia, where The Monasteries are one of the greatest artistic monuments in Europe. This painted monasteries are part of UNESCO s World Heritage for their rarity and beauty. A thing that not many people know is that Romania has found the most vibrant blue colour in the world. It is renowned world wide and nobody has been able to find the exact combination used to obtained it. It’s called Voronet blue from well renowned Monastery of Moldovia. Probably a long time would have passed until someone may have thought of writing a complete history of religions. Mircea Eliade was the first one to do it. Romanian people are known as optimistic and full of sense of humor. Nobody would have thought of mocking a serious matter like death. We have our own way of dealing with it by laughing in it’s face. We are the first nation to have a Happy Graveyard, renowned for it’s story telling funeral place. Hollywood should thank us. We gave them inspiration to create one of the most famous character in the movie history, that is Dracula. Vlad Tepes, the Romanian medieval ruler, had the bad luck to become the blood thirsty demon of modern times. Sport Maybe slightly surprising for a country of its size, Romania has been one of the most successful countries in the history of sports. I’m sure few of you know that Americans have one thing to be greatful to us:their national sport. Romanians invented the godfather of baseball, a sort of baseball that is, oina. The most popular sport in Romania is football. In 1986, the Romanian soccer club Steaua BucureÃ…Å ¸ti became the first Eastern European club ever, and only one of the two (the other being Red Star Belgrade) to win the prestigious European Champions Cup title. This victory was achieved thanks to Helmuth Duckadam who defended four penalty strikes in a row, performance that got him to guinness book. Another famous football player is Gheorghe Hagi. Nicknamed The Maradona of the Carpathians, he is considered a hero in his homeland as well as in Turkey. He has won his countrys Player of the Year award six times, and was recently named Romanian football player of the century. In present time we also have internationally known football players like Adrian Mutu, Cristian Chivu or Bogdan Lobont. Handball is the most popular sport in Romania after football. The Romanian mens national team has won the Handball World Cup a record 4 times. The only other team to have matched this record is Sweden in 1999. Romania womens national handball team has won the Handball World Cup in 1962. Steaua and Dinamo have also won several European titles over the years. Basketball is a very popular sport among Romanian youth. Gheorghe MureÃ…Å ¸an was the first Romanian to enter NBA, and he became known as the tallest man ever to play in that league. Another product of the Romanian basketball school was Toni Alexe. Ilie Năstase, the tennis player, is another internationally known Romanian sports star. He won several Grand Slam titles and dozens of other tournaments and was the first player to be ranked as number 1 by ATP from 1973 to 1974; he also was a successful doubles player. Romania has also reached the Davis Cup finals three times. In the 1976 Summer Olympics, the gymnast Nadia Comăneci became the first gymnast ever to score a perfect ten. She also won three gold medals, one silver and one bronze, all at the age of fourteen.[1] Her success continued in the 1980 Summer Olympics, where she was awarded two gold medals and two silver medals. Landscapes Romania offers a lot of tourist attractions and vacation experiences unique in Central-Eastern Europe. Enjoy our top five things to see in Romania movie. The world couldn’t live without†¦ Our beautiful women. The Romanian girls are known all over the world for their beauty, but also for their talents and intelligence. Also if we are good at one thing, that is having a good time. Gastronomically speaking we are the proud owners of the most tasty dishes in the world. And if you try these, we strongly recommend you to feast your senses with our word renown wines. We are beautiful, we know how to have a good time, but also we are known for our intelligence. Maybe not all of you know that the second spoken language in Microsoft Company is Romanian. Romania Records Most expensive newspaper copy-Romanian newspaper sets world record BUCHAREST, Romania The Auroch and the Eagle (Zimbrulu and Vulturulu), bought for 830 000 Euros by Joseph Hackmey. sets the world record for the most expensive newspaper copy in the world. At the last auction, held in Geneva by the „David Feldman auction house, the piece had a starting price of 500.000 Euro and was sold for 700.000 Euro to Joseph Hackmey. With fees and commissions involved, the final price reached 829.500 Euros. The amount made The Auroch and the Eagle (Zimbrulu and Vulturulu) the most expensive newspaper copy in the world. Longest Love Poem-world record set by the Luceafarul IASI, Romania Luceafarul by Mihai Eminescu, a 98 stanzas long poem about the impossible love between immortal Luceafarul and a beautiful mortal princess sets the world record for the Longest Love Poem. Largest administrative building-world record set by The Palace of the Romanian Parliament [April 4] BUCHAREST, RomaniaThe Palace of the Romanian Parliament has a floor area of 360,000 square meter -setting the world record for the largest administrative building. The Palace of the Romanian Parliament is also the worlds Haviest building and also the worlds Most Expensive Administrative building in the world: updated total costs (2006) are estimated at 4 billions USD. Most successful women coach-world record set by Maria Bitang [April 18] BUCHAREST, RomaniaMaria Bitang, 46, Romanian gymnastics coach (1992-2005), has set the world record for the Most Successful Women Coach: 19 Olympics Medals and a total of 152 medals at World and European Championships and Olympic Games. They say behind every successful man, there is a woman. Octavian Bellu has coached the Romanian national squad since 1981. Maria Bitang joined him in early 90s. Along with the team they have obtained more than 250 international medals. The outstanding results Maria Bitang and Octavian Belu achieved made them the worlds most successful coaching duo. Largest indoor flag-the Romanian flag displayed at Aarhus WC [June 26] BUCHAREST, Romania The largest indoor flag in the world is the 69 m Romanian flag, displayed by the Romanian fans at the World Gymnastics Championships in Aarhus, Denmark, last October. The giant flag was proudly displayed by the Romanian gymnastics fans. Most powerful Human Magnet-world record set by Aurel Raileanu [Sep 20] BUCHAREST, Romania Aurel Raileanu, a hospital worker has set the world record for the most powerful Human Magnet-he can lift a 26kg TV set. Aurel Raileanu, known as The Human Magnet for his extraordinary ability, can even make a 26kgTV set cling to his chest without the aid of wires, blue or string. The 40-year-old bachelor, who lives with his mum, claims he doesn’t know how he becomes a magnet for objects. Aurel Raileanu admits he cannot explain his gift, which allows many objects — not just metal — to stick to his chest, neck and forehead. Longest Skydive Jump-world record set by romanian skydivers [Oct 19] BUCHAREST,RomaniaRomanian skydivers , sport masters Popescu Valerica, Rites Ionut Irinel, Grigore Dan Cristian and Andrei Gabriel from Romanian AirClub has established the new world record for The Longest Skydive Jump , jumping in second Millenium and landing in third Millenium. In the night between 31.12.2000 and 01.012001, jumping from 1000 m on the second Millenium and landing in third Millenium, the skydivers marked the Millenium change in free fall. This particular skydive was a very difficult jump to be made because of several factors : night time , low temperatures and an unusual trajectory between exploding fireworks. Youngest Skydiver-world record set by Valentina Mihanciu [Nov 5] STREJNIC, Romania The 9 year old Romanian VALENTINA MIHANCIU has set a world record for the youngest skydiver, after performing a jup in tandem with her trainer at Strejnic, Ploiesti-Romania airfield, from a height of 4000 m, with a free fall of 55 seconds. Largest Wedding Vow Renewal set world record in Bucharest [July 7] BUCHAREST, Romania 305 couples who are married for more than 50 years were reunited today in Bucharest for their wedding vow renewal and set a new world record for the largest wedding vow renewal. The Golden Marriage celebration was joined in by more than 1,000 guests. The official ceremony included a religious service, messages from high respected artists, film directors and the mother of Romanian Prime Minister. After the wedding vow renewal, the 305 pairs were offered a champagne reception by the mayor Ontanu and the possibility to attend as special guests some of the 91 new marriage concluded today. Largest Bride Parade-world record set in Bucharest BUCHAREST, Romania Around 100 brides sporting full bridal regalia took part in a parade in Bucharest, to promote the institution of marriage in Romanian society-setting a new world record category for the Largest Bride Parade. Organizers of the Bride Parade said they intend to promote marriage as a way of maintaining traditional family values in this Orthodox country. The atmosphere was celebratory as dozens of women dressed in various white dresses, veils and tiaras marched to the sounds of trumpeters playing wedding songs. Youngest Successful Singer-world record set by Cleopatra Stratan BUCHAREST, Romania Cleopatra Stratan was aged only 3 years when her two hours, 28 songs long concert was performed on August 20, 2006 in Bucharest, Romania. The concert was limited to 400 people and Cleopatra Stratan was accompanied on guitar by her father; singer Pavel Stratan (a top Moldavian artist). She is actually the first artist ever to perform live on a stage in front of a large audience at the age of 3. Longest Condom Chainworld record set by PSI Foundation [Nov 1] BUCHAREST, RomaniaRomanian organization the Population Services International (PSI) Foundation set up the Longest Condom Chain in the world, which at 3,300 meters was registered as a new world record. In the presence of Romanian celebrities-like Romanias Pop Diva Loredana Groza Boncea (see photo) and other NGOs active in the HIV/AIDS field, 1683 people tied togheter 25.773 Love Plus condoms, making a 3268,47 meters long condom chain.

Friday, October 25, 2019

Linux vs Windows TCO :: essays research papers

There has been significant interest in the broader business community regarding the difference in the Total Cost of Ownership (TCO) between the Linux and Open Source solutions on one side and Microsoft's proprietary Windows solutions on the other. Microsoft software is licenced to users on a feeforproduct basis, whereas most Linux and open source applications are available free of charge. There are, however, installation and support costs to consider. We will take all such costs into consideration in the models we present. While it is difficult to qualitatively analyse all of the TCO factors at play, it is possible to produce a reasonable firstpass quantitative estimate for the instantiation and operation of a complete computer environment and network infrastructure for a smalltomedium organisation, to illuminate the TCO differences between these two competing platforms. To that end, we have modelled an organisation with 250 computerusing staff, an appropriate number of workstations, servers, Internet connectivity, an ebusiness system, network cabling and hardware, standard software, and salaries for IT professionals to establish and support this infrastructure and technology. We've also added IT training for the staff along with expenditure items for ancillary IT systems and external consulting staff to assist in making it all work. We ran the model with two options: firstly, purchasing brand new hardware and network infrastructure explicitly for establishing this organisation's computer systems; and secondly, using preexisting hardware and infrastructure. We also simulated the IT expenses over a 3 year period, mimicking the operational lifespan of many corporate computer systems, and amortising the purchase and installation costs over that period of time. Throughout this comparison, we will be presenting the raw data as well as the explicative methodologies used in the determination of the overall costs. While we have taken care and effort to present a holistic analysis, we are mindful that no organisation is likely to operate with the exact parameters presented here, and we therefore recommend the use of the document as a guide only. Consider this document as a primer which you can use to generate an enhanced TCO model specifically tailored for your organisation, by removing those line items which don't make sense for your site and adding additional costs which are specific to your organisation. Further, while this document makes express use of technology and services found within the IT industry, it is intended for an audience of nonIT executives within small to medium sized organisations. The final results are summarized in the tables below. One compares the TCO difference between Standard Linux (namely the one that isn't acquired with a prepaid support contract) and Microsoft's platform. The second compares Red Hat's managed Enterprise Linux and Microsoft's platform. Linux vs Windows TCO :: essays research papers There has been significant interest in the broader business community regarding the difference in the Total Cost of Ownership (TCO) between the Linux and Open Source solutions on one side and Microsoft's proprietary Windows solutions on the other. Microsoft software is licenced to users on a feeforproduct basis, whereas most Linux and open source applications are available free of charge. There are, however, installation and support costs to consider. We will take all such costs into consideration in the models we present. While it is difficult to qualitatively analyse all of the TCO factors at play, it is possible to produce a reasonable firstpass quantitative estimate for the instantiation and operation of a complete computer environment and network infrastructure for a smalltomedium organisation, to illuminate the TCO differences between these two competing platforms. To that end, we have modelled an organisation with 250 computerusing staff, an appropriate number of workstations, servers, Internet connectivity, an ebusiness system, network cabling and hardware, standard software, and salaries for IT professionals to establish and support this infrastructure and technology. We've also added IT training for the staff along with expenditure items for ancillary IT systems and external consulting staff to assist in making it all work. We ran the model with two options: firstly, purchasing brand new hardware and network infrastructure explicitly for establishing this organisation's computer systems; and secondly, using preexisting hardware and infrastructure. We also simulated the IT expenses over a 3 year period, mimicking the operational lifespan of many corporate computer systems, and amortising the purchase and installation costs over that period of time. Throughout this comparison, we will be presenting the raw data as well as the explicative methodologies used in the determination of the overall costs. While we have taken care and effort to present a holistic analysis, we are mindful that no organisation is likely to operate with the exact parameters presented here, and we therefore recommend the use of the document as a guide only. Consider this document as a primer which you can use to generate an enhanced TCO model specifically tailored for your organisation, by removing those line items which don't make sense for your site and adding additional costs which are specific to your organisation. Further, while this document makes express use of technology and services found within the IT industry, it is intended for an audience of nonIT executives within small to medium sized organisations. The final results are summarized in the tables below. One compares the TCO difference between Standard Linux (namely the one that isn't acquired with a prepaid support contract) and Microsoft's platform. The second compares Red Hat's managed Enterprise Linux and Microsoft's platform.

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Husky Injection Molding Systems Case Essay

Husky was founded in 1953 by Robert Schad. They were the world premier manufacturer of plastic injection molding equipment from the 1970s to the 1990s. The company has made products ranging from soft drink bottles and yogurt cups to automotive components and computer housing. They provide the plastic industry with inclusive and ample manufacturing solutions but charged a heavy price for there business. In the early 1990s they reached had an extreme increase in growth, quadrupling there net income and raising equity close to 40%. The reason for the rise in net income was because Husky produced machines that were unique, innovative, and efficient. They had evolved into a leader of the polyethylene terephthalate industry and put into place obstacles for competitors to enter. This helped eliminate the negotiating ability of customers. They also provided customer service that was quick and from trained technicians. After 1995 competitors entered the market with lower cost causing Husky to lose customers and in return lose money. As shown in the case Husky machines cost two hundred thousand more dollars then there competitors. Therefore, Husky has to show that there product is worth the premium cost. In order to find out if Husky’s machine is worth the extra cost we need to look at the cycle time, floor space occupied, and work per day. Husky machine has a slower cycle time by 1.4 seconds, they use 8.7 less square feet and works 3.4 hours per day. Also, we find that Husky machines can make the same amount of products in a year, 365 days, compared to their competitors taking 488 days. In the long run, Husky’s machine cost less than its competitors. This should show the customers that a Husky machine is worth the premium price but they first have to respond to some issues they are having. Husky, being an independent company, definitely has difficulties and unexpected problems. One of the biggest issues is the resin shortage. Husky Injection Molding Systems was unaware that this may be a problem, resulting in the shortage ruining a huge part of the industry. This failure not only affected Husky but the companies who manufactured equipment for it. Another issue is that competitors offered products very similar to Husky’s but with much lower prices. This made customers more resistant to paying the price for Husky’s product. Naturally, Husky Injection Molding Systems wants to respond to these issues while solving them as efficiently as possible. In order to do this, they need to come up with long and short-term goals. First, they need to make substantial improvements on return on investment. They need to show current and possible customers the higher quality and productivity that their machines provide. Next, lowering the price will increase customer awareness and will prevent competitors from joining the PET business. In addition to gaining customer satisfaction, the Husky marketing team needs to increase product awareness. Last, they need to explore different opportunities with other companies in terms of the molding system.

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Malaysia Race Relation Essay

In my opinion, the state of race relations in Malaysia has been good despite the many political agenda that has been thrown onto us. Yes, there are many instances that we feel like our rights have been denied because of our racial background and certain races are given more preference. I have heard of the 1Malaysia concept, but I think we don’t need to be told to be united. We have come such a long way that it should already be embedded in our hearts and minds that we are united. Unfortunately, you can still see racial discrimination and polarisation. There is still this ethno-centric view that the Malays are the dominant group and their rights must be protected, and non Malays are forever the outsiders. For the concept to succeed, I think the government should stop with the race politics. It’s tiring, really. We grew up with application forms asking us to tick our race. We should stop painting a negative image of the other races, stop thinking about ‘us’ and ‘them’ and focus on ‘we’, ‘our’ and ‘Malaysians’. No one should be made uncomfortable in their own home. A dear Chinese friend of mine said to me once, â€Å"I don’t feel patriotic because I am not made to feel like Malaysia is my home, and I don’t feel an affinity to China because I have never lived there. † But even with all this said, I think we have such a high tolerance for our fellow friends of different races. Even though there is ongoing racial tension, we do not take it out on the other races. We do rally for the well being of our own race without offending the others. A great example of our unity would be definitely seen during the festive seasons. Every single open house you go to regardless the festival, Hari Raya, Chinese New Year, Deepavali or Christmas, it would be mix of every other race coming together. The food prepared are taken into consideration of the other races taboo. In conclusion, I think Malaysians are truly tolerant towards each other. In my generation, I personally think race is no longer a social issue and everyone gets along with every other person regardless the race.

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Essay on Shipping Business part 2

Essay on Shipping Business part 2 Essay on Shipping Business part 2 Essay on Shipping Business part 2Essay on   Shipping Business   part  1The horizontal integration allows companies operating in the shipping industry to expand the scope of their shipping operations, through purchasing new means of transport and entering new segments of the market. For example, a company specialized on the automobile transportation acquires or mergers with an air transportation company. In such a way, the company integrates its operations within the shipping industry. The horizontal integration helps the company to enhance its position in the market due to new acquisitions but still the company does not move beyond the shipping market that apparently limits the scope for its marketing manoeuvres (Peters, 2012). The company relies on companies selling their goods to customers, instead of acquiring such a company to integrate sales and shipping, as is the case of the vertical integration.The horizontal integration contributes to the increase of the market share of the company but this growth is limited because the competition grows tighter and, at certain point, the company expanding horizontally stops growing. Today, the horizontal expansion is still significant due to the globalization of the world economy and elimination of barriers between countries. The globalization opens larger opportunities for the horizontal integration because companies can expand their business entering international markets. For example, a shipping company operating in the US can open its affiliates in Canada, Mexico, and other countries. In such a way, the company conducts the horizontal integration uniting its operations internationally and remains within its market specialization.Moreover, new technologies open opportunity for long distance transportation that requires the horizontal integration to make shipping companies more effective, especially when different means of transportation have to be used to deliver goods to customers. Therefore, company have better opportunities for the closer horizontal integration within the shipping industry. At the same time, the scope of the horizontal integration is limited in a long-run perspective, because, at the moment, large companies, such as UPS, DHL and others have already become the major players in the global market and raised barriers to entry as well as opportunities for horizontal expansion for other companies.The vertical integration in the shipping industryThe vertical integration in the shipping industry may involve the growing integration between units of the company operating in different fields. For example, the vertical integration may include the following elements of the organizational structure: the automobile transportation; the automobile parts and equipment supplies; the automobile repair stations; the customer call centre; the online company offering shipping services and other units that may be further vertically integrated to expand the scope of operations of the shipp ing company. In fact, the vertical integration may vary and the aforementioned model is just an example, whereas the real world vertical integration of a shipping company may be deeper or shallower depending on the marketing strategy and goals of the company.The vertical integration is complex but it may be very efficient in terms of the accelerated business development. For example, a large electronic commerce company, like Amazon, needs shipping services. The vertical integration allows shipping companies to integrate into such companies or integrate minor electronic commerce companies to expand their business and take advantage of their electronic commerce and shipping which may be cheaper compared to rivals because the company does both sales of products and their shipping without outsourcing shipping services as other electronic commerce companies normally do.The vertical integration opens new opportunities for shipping companies to boost their business development because, in face of the tight competition in the shipping proper, they can improve their competitive position through the vertical integration, which involves the acquisition of a company manufacturing automotive supplies used by the shipping company as well as other forms of the vertical integration that increase the efficiency of the performance of the shipping company. The vertical integration contributes to the emergence of new directions for the further business development of the shipping company and its steady transformation and diversification to the extent that the company may evolve and offer customers multiple services under its brand or, alternatively, create multiple brands offering diverse services from sales to shipping items to customers.The vertical integration is more efficient and has better prospects in the contemporary market compared to the horizontal integration because the fast progress of e-commerce, international trade, and progress of technology stiffen the competitio n in the shipping industry and force companies to develop closer cooperation with companies operating in other industries or at a different market level. The vertical integration helps shipping companies to enter new prospective markets and make their shipping business more balanced due to the integration with closely related industries or businesses, which can boost the business development of shipping companies.Conclusion  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Thus, both horizontal and vertical integration can contribute to the successful business development of companies operating in the shipping industry but the vertical integration is more prospective and beneficial for companies operating in the shipping industry in light of the economic globalization, fast growth of e-commerce, progress of technology and changing demands and expectations of customers. The horizontal and vertical integration contribute to the market expansion and growth of companies as well as they help t o maintain their competitive position. On the other hand, shipping companies should always be aware of the importance of the focus on the integration that meets their own business goals and long-run marketing strategies to ensure that the integration they choose will be successful.

Monday, October 21, 2019

New Trends in Digital Marketing for 2016

New Trends in Digital Marketing for 2016 New Trends in Digital Marketing for 2016 Content marketing. That’s the term for anything that is done online to promote a company, and its products/services. Also known as digital marketing, it has been going on for years. Companies of all sizes utilize online marketing, and it is in many ways the great equalizer – it is cheap and allows a small startup to grab a huge audience with well-placed, catchy, and engaging content. But digital marketing keeps changing, and those changes are coming more rapidly than many marketers even realize. Here are the new trends that we are already seeing as we move into 2016. What is not changing is this: Consumers will only do business with companies that know and trust. Efforts to build trusting relationships and to get one’s brand to be the one shared and recommended are all intertwined and will continue to be so. Visuals will increase in importance – all kinds of visuals. Photos, images, infographics, and such will become more sophisticated and allow interaction. Interactivity: When consumers are engaged, they remember the brand. And if they are engaged by interacting, they are more inclined to share that interactivity with their communities. Surveys, polls, quizzes and even interactive videos will capture viewers, engage them in fun ways, and cause them to share. Videos: 2016 will be the year of the video. This is the most popular medium for getting information and entertainment to customers and potential customers. Research shows they share videos more than any other content. Marketers will need to meet this demand. Live-Streaming: New apps like Meerkat and Periscope will begin to revolutionize marketing and many other things as well. Consumers demand immediate information, news, and entertainment, and marketers can adapt to this demand by live-streaming their events, their new products, their happy customers, etc. Tracking Technology: Technology will provide big data – data that will continue to let marketers know where their targets are, both digitally and physically. Currently, technology informs marketers when their targets are online, where they are online, and what devices they are using. Now, those targets will be tracked physically as well. Thus, when a known customer of Starbucks walks close to one of their cafes, s/he will receive a tweet that tells him he can get a discount right now on his favorite latte. (Yes, tracking also knows what his favorite latte is). Privacy: Because of the new tracking technology, consumers will become increasingly concerned about their privacy rights. Marketers will have to tread very carefully so as not to offend or look creepy as they continue to target customers. Storytelling: This has been important for some time now, but it will continue to drive effective marketing efforts. People are drawn in by stories, and they are now told in ways other than words. Instagram, for example, has introduced its carousel – a venue for marketers to have a sequential picture/image story to tell. Social Responsibility: Consumers will also demand that the companies they do business with have a sense of being of help to people and to the environment. Marketers will need to publicize the good works that their companies do. It promotes trust, relationships, and good will. Social Media will continue to be the single most important venue for marketing. Marketers will have to stay â€Å"current† as social media changes. For example, Facebook 360 will become a reality, and marketers will need to jump in quickly. It’s difficult to stay on top of all of the major and rapid changes in technology. And every single one of the impacts digital marketing in some way. Successful strategies to promote a brand, develop relationships, and widen a company’s reach will be challenging indeed.

Sunday, October 20, 2019

Acrobatics Workshop Essay Example for Free

Acrobatics Workshop Essay ? No matter which figures or pyramids are being tried, the facilitator must make sure that there are â€Å"catchers† present to prevent injuries. Participants should be instructed how to catch one another and to take responsibility for others in the group.  1. Description of the activity  Part 1 – Warming Up & Trust Exercises  A. The participants are put into pairs. One partner becomes a guide, the other becomes â€Å"blind†. The guide takes their blind partner for a walk (around the grounds, over obstacles, etc. ) while holding hands. After some minutes the partners change roles. Variations: Follow the same steps as above, but have the seeing partner lead with only one finger. Alternatively, have the seeing partner lead using only their voice – no physical contact between partners.  B. In pairs, participants stand face to face with their feet together and holding hands. Each person leans back carefully with full body strength by stretching their arms. The challenge is to maintain balance.  C. All participants stand together in a circle and hold hands. Count off into 1’s and 2’s. On the signal, using all their strength, the 1’s lean inside while the 2’s lean outside. After a few seconds, carefully pull back into a normal circle and then change (2’s inside, 1’s outside). D. In small groups (3-7 persons), one person stands in the middle of a circle. Standing stiff and without moving their feet, the one in the middle â€Å"falls† from one person to another and is slowly passed around inside the circle. After some moments, change roles. Give everyone a chance to be in the middle.  Variation: you can also do this with just three persons. The one in the middle is slowly passed forward and backwards between two persons. Part 2 – Stretching  Before trying actual figures, it is important to warm up the joints and the muscles. Gently stretch legs, arms, neck, and shoulders. Don’t forget to pay attention to the wrists and ankles, too.  Part 3 – First Acrobatic Steps  3A. Napoleon (3 persons):  Ã¢â‚¬â€œ The first person goes down and takes the â€Å"bench† position; the second person goes up and forms a bench on top of the first person (see diagram 4)  Ã¢â‚¬â€œ The first person goes down and takes bench position; second person goes up and stands on the shoulders and hip of the bench. Keeping their balance, the bench slowly starts to walk forwards on their hands and knees (see diagram 10). (Remember – you must NEVER stand in the middle of the bench’s back, only on their shoulders and hips!) The third person is always the â€Å"catcher† for the person who is â€Å"up†.  3B. Knee stands (4 persons)  Ã¢â‚¬â€œ The first person goes down and takes the bench position; second person sits down on the bench’s hips (facing bench’s feet); taking the second person’s hands, third person goes up and stands on second person’s knees (keep holding hands). If second and third person can balance on their own, the bench can walk away, leaving the two in balance position. The fourth person is the catcher. 3C. Galion figure (4 persons)  Ã‚  The same as 3B (above), but second and third person open op their arms on one side and look in the same direction. (You still need the fourth person as catcher.)  Part 4 – Pyramids and standing on shoulders  Once participants have grasped the basic steps, they can proceed onto building pyramids and making new shapes (see diagrams in section D â€Å"Some Pyramids†).  2. General remarks  Who can do acrobatics? Acrobatics can be used with groups of all ages: teenagers, adults, even children from 4 or 5 years of age. It is important to include the warming up and trust-building exercises, especially if the people in the group do not know each other very well. Stretching and warming-up the muscles is important to avoid accidents. Everyone in the group should be taught the catcher’s tasks. The group has to take responsibility for itself – it is up to everyone to look out for one another. Why use acrobatics?  Acrobatics is a perfect method for team-building at any age. It’s good to learn to give and to take help from one another. Even if you have only a short amount of time, participants can learn amazing things like building pyramids or standing on shoulders. Acrobatics can help people learn about taking responsibility for others but also about respecting limits (their own and other person’s). The atmosphere in the workshop should allow participants to say if they don’t want to try a certain figure or activity. An extra touch  If you have more time (e.g. the group stays together several days), the participants can put together a presentation. This is a great way for the group to show off what they have learned (especially good for children and young adults).  Accessibility  Some groups may have specific needs (e.g. older participants or individuals with physical or mental disabilities), but these are not reasons for people to be excluded. For example, past experiments with acrobatics has shown that it’s possible to include people who might be missing a limb or even those in wheelchairs. There may be some limits, but in most cases it just takes some fantasy to create new forms and figures which include all members of the group. 3. Literature  There are many resources to be found describing acrobatics and other circus activities. Two of these include:  1. Rudi Ballreich, Udo v. Grabowiecki (Hg.), Zirkus spielen. Ein Handbuch, 1999 Stuttgart/Leipzig. Not only about acrobatics but all circus skills you can use with young people, tips for presentation as well. (German language)  2. J.M. Fodero/E.E. Furblur, Creating Gymnastics, Pyramids and Balances. Leisure Press, Champaign, Illinois, 1989. This book focuses only on acrobatics and has a great amount of drawings for figures for 2 persons up to pyramids with 15 or more persons. For beginners to advanced. You can find some figures presented in the book on the Internet: (A German-language edition of this book is available under the title Menschenpyramiden.) Acrobatics Workshop. (2017, Sep 26).

Friday, October 18, 2019

Health Care Reform (OBAMA) Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Health Care Reform (OBAMA) - Essay Example These two bills were the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (ObamaCare) that was signed into law by President Obama on March 23rd, 2010. The second bill was the Health care and Education Reconciliation Act, which was also signed into law by President Obama on March 30th, 2010. There are further reforms intended for the future and have been proposed including a reduction fee for service medical care and single payer system. This paper seeks to discuss the impact of the two-abovementioned legislations on healthcare on doctors, coverage, access, costs, employees and its impact on businesses. A major characteristic of ObamaCare is that it is primarily targeted at low and middle-income families and businesses. ObamaCare also contains some obstacles for high earners, larger firms that do not insure their employees and certain sectors of the healthcare industry (Carrigan 81). As with any other law, ObamaCare poses a lot of benefits and gains for the average American and little disad vantages. High-income earners might criticize ObamaCare and large corporation for targeting them in what might seem a witch-hunt against corporate America. However, this is in an effort to cushion the average American who is at disadvantage because of their meagre income and they cannot afford health insurance. As an insured adult with an uninsured 22-year-old child, the new healthcare reforms are an added advantage. This is because it increases access and coverage for healthcare insurance and increased the maximum age for coverage from 22 years to 26 years (Carrigan 77). Through ObamaCare, insured adults with uninsured young adults as dependants will experience extended covers for up to the age of 26 years of age for the dependants (Ciocchetti np). This will result in an 82% increase in the number of insured adults through the availability and accessibility of low cost insurance and the availability of free healthcare insurance for qualifying adults. This new legislation will see t o the introduction of new rights and protection characteristic of guaranteed coverage for pre-existing conditions and the elimination of gender discrimination in the health care system (Carrigan 80). Despite that fact that medical insurance premiums are set to be higher, the quality of medical insurance will be of guaranteed quality and standard for all registered individuals. Obamacare will make it possible for millions of people to access affordable and quality medical health insurance through the marketplace (Ciocchetti np). This will be a boost to low income earners who did not have access to health insurance because it was inaccessible. The cost of healthcare will increase because of the widened coverage criteria, which will result in higher premiums for some sections of society. The cost implications of the healthcare reform will not affect me because I belong to the category being shielded by the legislation. This will be through increased coverage and access. ObamaCare is bo und to have different impacts on employees and employers, with some benefiting more than others. Their employers guarantee them a mandatory coverage over the period of tenure as employees of any firm. Small and medium scale enterprises and businesses will get tax credits for up to 50% of their employees’ health care insurance premium costs (Carrigan 78). This will translate to better working conditions and

Law Master Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Law Master - Essay Example (ii) to remove a temporary surplus of the like domestic product, or, if there is no substantial domestic production of the like product, of a domestic product for which the imported product can be directly substituted, by making the surplus available to certain groups of domestic consumers free of charge or at prices below the current market level; or (iii) to restrict the quantities permitted to be produced of any animal product the production of which is directly dependent, wholly or mainly, on the imported commodity, if the domestic production of that commodity is relatively negligible. Any contracting party applying restrictions on the importation of any product pursuant to subparagraph (c) of this paragraph shall give public notice of the total quantity or value of the product permitted to be imported during a specified future period and of any change in such quantity or value. Moreover, any restrictions applied under (i) above shall not be such as will reduce the total of imports relative to the total of domestic production, as compared with the proportion, which might reasonably be expected to rule between the two in the absence of restrictions. In determining this proportion, the contracting party shall pay due regard to the proportion prevailing during a previous representative period and to any special factors* which may have affected or may be affecting the trade in the product concerned. Brief Explanation of the Article XI: As the title suggests Article XI is concerned with the General Elimination of Quantitative Restriction from Trade. It goes on to say that a contracting party whether importing goods or exporting them shall maintain no prohibition or restrictions on them except in the form of duties, taxes and other charges that can be effective through quotas, import and export licences or other measures, Article XI advocates for the tariff regime to be put in place as trade measures. It further puts prohibition on either of the contracting parties for introducing fresh quotas and they are also required to eliminate the existing ones. However, it also lays a exception to the quantitative restrictions in case of certain domestic agricultural programs. I found the text of the Article XI by accessing the WTO website and in it the legal documents section of WTO. The URL that I accessed is 2) The cases decided by the WTO Dispute Panels and Appellate Body relating to the interpretation of Article XI are the following : Turkey - Textiles EEC - Imports from Hong Kong. India - Quantitative Restrictions US - Wool Shirts and Blouses EC - Hormones Canada - Periodicals US - Shrimp EC - Asbestos United

QATAR AIRWAYS swot analyses Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

QATAR AIRWAYS swot analyses - Essay Example For this reason, the company’s human resource is essential in supporting the company in achieving its mission and vision. Primarily, the company’s HR department is in charge of planning strategies to hire excellent employees and supervising projects that help Qatar Airways in achieving its goals. A company’s HR department is in charge of the staffing process and developing employees’ capacity in line with the company’s objectives. For Qatar Airways, the HR policy should focus on achieving excellence according to the company’s mission statement. One way of doing this is to ensure that HR implements procedures aimed at promoting employee-job satisfaction while improving their skills, which consequently increases productivity and growth in the company. Besides, the company’s staffing policy should focus on identifying employees who would help the company achieve its objectives. Since employees who best understand the company can help the company achieve excellence, the HR department at Qatar Airways has to measure the attitudes of its employees towards their jobs. This can be done by encouraging employees to take part in annual surveys that measure job satisfaction and other areas related to their jobs. In effect, the feedback obtained from these surveys will help the HR department to identify areas that required to be improved for the company’s overall achievement of excellence. The HR at Qatar Airways is in charge of project management, which helps Qatar Airways remain organized by listing the project goals, assessing the risks of the project and measuring the expenses and profit. With regard to IT, HR should ensure that the company had an integrated information technology system that enhanced all company’s process from one command center in order to ensure the achievement of a common

Thursday, October 17, 2019

Chapter 8 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 3

Chapter 8 - Essay Example The author here is asserting that, from the time we enter this world, none of us has the guarantee of leading a life free from suffering. Suffering and pain do not discriminate between the rich and the poor, the powerful and the common man, young and old, or male and female. However, Kushner also gives hope to his readers by stating that at least we can have faith in a higher power that provides us with the strength and courage we require to bear the numerous challenges and obstacles that life is constantly throwing at us. In my career as a nurse, I constantly encounter patients suffering from various incurable diseases or devastating injuries, which make many of them, lose the motivation to continue pushing on with their lives. Many of them slide into depression, and just as many develop suicidal tendencies. Empowerment and support provision are two essential nursing concepts which enable nurses to provide patients with the desire to persevere through their challenges, and to acquire the urge to live a normal life once again. A nurse is the most accessible healthcare professional that patients can access in a healthcare setting which has the capacity to cater to terminally ill patients. Therefore, the nurse has to be someone that terminally ill patients can obtain inspiration from when they have lost hope of recovering. Many patients belong to a mainstream religion, which could be Christianity, Islam, Hinduism, Buddhism, or other little known religions. Thus, when afflicted with incurable diseases or those that are difficult to cure, they tend to turn to their religious beliefs in search of faith healing. A nurse can do a lot to relieve them from their suffering by reinforcing their religious beliefs and assuring them that suffering does not choose its victims but rather, it is God’s will and purpose. As Kushner asserts, the various ways through which God works are beyond human understanding, but through faith, we believe that all of it is

Global perspectives assessment Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Global perspectives assessment - Research Paper Example This means that the US criminal justice system including its law enforcement could go beyond the boundary of the state as the crime itself could be created beyond boundaries, but could still have substantial threats on the part of the nation. At this point, the US could remarkably play the role of a global police, trying to maintain peace and order situation of the whole world just as to ensure stability of peace in its state. This is a significant and probable response to the growing international dimensions of crime. Criminals might be staying out of the US state, but still could inflict potential threats due to the spreading wide coverage of their scope, connections and evolving organizational control. In response to this, the US state should also therefore expand the exposure of its criminal justice system throughout the world. Let us add to the problem when technological influences on global criminality enter the scene. The advancement of technology at the other part of it does not only bring comfort, but trouble at the same time if used at the criminals’ vantage point of view. Concerning this, the US criminal justice system needs to make its effort twice as much, double its time and never delay in order to keep its pace even more than the level of the criminals. Added to the issue is the diversified US culture, leading to the point that the US criminal justice system requires international cooperation so as to ward off probable threats on America’s borders and of other relevant crimes. The heterogeneous culture in the US though it may provide certain advantages, but at the other side of it, the bottom line is that there are other probable problems tied up with it. For example, the diverse culture creates a portal making it easy for bigger syndicates to easily move in and out of the US federal state. They became too familiar with the US culture, but on the other side, the US still needs to learn more about varying culture. This signifies the need to learn more about the existing different cultures on the part of the US, be familiar with them too and use this for its competitive advantage. That is why it requires constant international cooperation to solve existing crimes and even those new cases as upshots of varying changes not only brought by technology and different cultures, but the globalization in general. For this reason, the US is strongly advancing to create an effort to solve crimes and as much as possible hinder possible great impacts they could bring to the entire state. Compare and contrast international criminal justice systems Socialist law traditions are used by the states that are communists and are formerly communists. They employed the Marxist-Leninist ideology (Joerges & Ghaleigh, 2003). Another branch of law is civil law which deals with legal disputes among individuals or organizations and those who win the case may be able to receive compensation (Dunham, 2008). The common law on the other hand is a case-based reasoning law, evaluating the case and then applying what laws might probably apply to it (Holmes, 2005). Embodied in the Islamic law are the religious duties employing Allah’s commands (Standke, 2008). As noticed, these international criminal justice systems have varying foundations and beliefs as their means to ultimately come up with the right and appropriate decisions. While socialist law is

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Task 2 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Task 2 - Essay Example The Other will always be lesser, not as good, and below the members of the group at large. This is not a new phenomenon. It is something we have seen play itself out throughout history and it is reflected in many works of literature as well. To some extent, the concept of the Other is a means of social control. It is a method of separating out into groups those who think as we do and those who do not. If someone does not think as we do, then they must be lesser than we are. They must also be ‘against’ us. Thus, caution should be exercised when dealing with a person who is an Other. In Melissa Algranati’s essay, â€Å"Being an Other,† otherness is presented as a state of being wherein you have no peer group or cohort, outside of your own family. â€Å"I learned at a young age that there are not too many Puerto Rican, Egyptian Jews out there† (Algranati, 1996, p.135). For Algranati, the realization that you are a one-of-a-kind is startling. It forces a separateness from other people. She could not simply choose one group to identify with. She explains: â€Å"For most of my life I’ve been living in two worlds, and at the same time I’ve been living in neither† (135). Algranati finds her state of being an Other most disconcerting when she is asked to choose identification for herself on the PSAT. She talks about her confusion at even being asked to select only one group with whom to identify, since choosing one means leaving out the other, which is, as she put it, â€Å"leav[ing] out so much† (135). Our identity is i n part shaped by how other people perceive us. â€Å"But when the criteria for ascribing a certain identity include things over which you have no control –as is the case with gender, race, and sexual orientation—then whether you identify with that identity†¦is not only up to you† (Appiah, 2005, p. 70). For Algranati, both parents have spent their lives as Others as well. Her father’s family was displaced—first

Global perspectives assessment Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Global perspectives assessment - Research Paper Example This means that the US criminal justice system including its law enforcement could go beyond the boundary of the state as the crime itself could be created beyond boundaries, but could still have substantial threats on the part of the nation. At this point, the US could remarkably play the role of a global police, trying to maintain peace and order situation of the whole world just as to ensure stability of peace in its state. This is a significant and probable response to the growing international dimensions of crime. Criminals might be staying out of the US state, but still could inflict potential threats due to the spreading wide coverage of their scope, connections and evolving organizational control. In response to this, the US state should also therefore expand the exposure of its criminal justice system throughout the world. Let us add to the problem when technological influences on global criminality enter the scene. The advancement of technology at the other part of it does not only bring comfort, but trouble at the same time if used at the criminals’ vantage point of view. Concerning this, the US criminal justice system needs to make its effort twice as much, double its time and never delay in order to keep its pace even more than the level of the criminals. Added to the issue is the diversified US culture, leading to the point that the US criminal justice system requires international cooperation so as to ward off probable threats on America’s borders and of other relevant crimes. The heterogeneous culture in the US though it may provide certain advantages, but at the other side of it, the bottom line is that there are other probable problems tied up with it. For example, the diverse culture creates a portal making it easy for bigger syndicates to easily move in and out of the US federal state. They became too familiar with the US culture, but on the other side, the US still needs to learn more about varying culture. This signifies the need to learn more about the existing different cultures on the part of the US, be familiar with them too and use this for its competitive advantage. That is why it requires constant international cooperation to solve existing crimes and even those new cases as upshots of varying changes not only brought by technology and different cultures, but the globalization in general. For this reason, the US is strongly advancing to create an effort to solve crimes and as much as possible hinder possible great impacts they could bring to the entire state. Compare and contrast international criminal justice systems Socialist law traditions are used by the states that are communists and are formerly communists. They employed the Marxist-Leninist ideology (Joerges & Ghaleigh, 2003). Another branch of law is civil law which deals with legal disputes among individuals or organizations and those who win the case may be able to receive compensation (Dunham, 2008). The common law on the other hand is a case-based reasoning law, evaluating the case and then applying what laws might probably apply to it (Holmes, 2005). Embodied in the Islamic law are the religious duties employing Allah’s commands (Standke, 2008). As noticed, these international criminal justice systems have varying foundations and beliefs as their means to ultimately come up with the right and appropriate decisions. While socialist law is

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Globalization and International Sweatshops Essay Example for Free

Globalization and International Sweatshops Essay Firstly, globalization is good to the extent that it respects each country’s security needs, while at the same time discouraging states which threaten or are likely to threaten global peace. When states are interdependent, despotic leaderships appreciate that jeopardizing global security puts them at the rsik of losing trade connections with other states. Secondly, globalization is good if and when it allows each country to use its economic advantage to compete. States are endowed differently and some are more developed than others. As such, it is important that every state should have the room to use its economic advantage to improve its economy. Lastly, globalization must encourage internationally-acceptable labour practices. Although developing countries may not have identical labour standards as the developed countries, the former must show deliberate effort to improve their labour standards (Reich, n. d). Ciulla would differ sharply with Maitland’s defense of international sweatshops. It is a fact that everybody, including the poorest people in the least developed and badly-governed states have the right to choose their work (Cuilla, n. d). However, this practical range of choice is so narrow that they have no alternative but to work for the sweatshops, inspite of the poor pay and terrible working conditions. Widespread unemployment in the Third World, which compels thousands of the residents to seek employment opportunities in the sweatshops, does not give the latter the right to exploit, abuse the workers or to pay them poorly. Many of the multi-national sweatshops operate branches in the developed world and the developing world. While their workers in the former are paid well and enjoy better employment terms, the workers in the developing world are paid very poorly, yet they are mostly assigned physically-demanding, dirty and dangerous parts of the production process. By employing underage persons, these sweatshops break national and international law. Their influence however means that the host governments turn a blind eye to their malpractices. References Ciulla, The Working Life. Maitland, I. (n. d). In Defense of International Sweatshops. Reich, R. (n. d). Escape from the Global Sweatshop.

Monday, October 14, 2019

Involved In Knowing A Word

Involved In Knowing A Word Word knowledge plays an important role in language teaching, it provides the basis for learners to grasp four language skills listening, speaking, reading and writing. Without a certain amount of words, learners cannot expect to understand fully the content of listening and reading and express their meaning clearly in the process of speaking and writing. Lexical competence is one of components of communicative competence (Meara 1996).however, knowing a word is complicated and it involves knowing its form, meaning and use (Nation,2001) .e.g. spelling, pronunciation, grammar, denotative and connotative meaning, word associations, frequency, collocation and register. For English Learners in China, due to limited exposure to the target language, they have got difficulties with collocations and collocation errors are often found in their writing and speaking. In order to achieve a high level of competence in English, it is better for students to know more collocations. Nowadays in China, collocation has become one of the most important issues in English language teaching and learning. In this paper, firstly, the author attempts to explain and exemplify the question of what is involved in knowing a word, and some aspects of word knowledge are discussed. Secondly, collocation as one aspect of word knowledge is chosen to discuss in more detail, then some issues with respect to collocation are discussed, including the definition of collocation, the classification of collocations and the significant of collocation,. Finally, it deals with the classroom practice, as an English language teacher, some suggestions are given on the teaching of collocation in the classroom. What is involved in knowing a word? In the L1 acquisition, it is very common that learners may know how to speak one word in mother tongue but they do not know how to spell this word, while in L2 acquisition, learners may know the written form of word, but they do not know how to pronounce it clearly, or learners may know one meaning of a word, however, they do not know other meanings of this word in different contexts. Even learners may know both form and meaning of a word, but they do not know how to use this word appropriately in different contexts. Therefore, knowing a word is quite a complex cognitive process, and knowing a word involves understanding many aspects of word knowledge. Nation (2001:23) points out that words are not isolated units of language. Therefore, the question of what is involved in knowing a word has attracted considerable attention in the field of vocabulary acquisition. Researchers have identified different types of word knowledge. Richards (1976) and Nation (1990, 2001) list different aspec ts of word knowledge which learners needs to know about a word. I will use Nations classification of word knowledge as the basis for my discussion. More information, see the appendix 2. In recent decades, Nation is one of the worlds leading authorities on vocabulary acquisition. Based on the earlier word framework (Nation, 1990), Nation (2001:27) points out that knowing a word involves knowing its form, meaning and use, and each category is broken down into receptive and productive knowledge. Each of these three categories can be found in the discussion brief below. More details please see appendix two. Word form Knowing one word form includes spoken form, written form and word parts (Nation, 2001). Spoke and written form are essential word knowledge which helps learners to move forward to literacy. The knowledge of phonics, word reorganization and spelling provides a basis for learners to decode word meaning and use the word appropriately in different context. Knowing the spoken form means being able to understand the spoken form in hearing this word, this is receptive knowledge, as well as being able to pronounce the word clearly and make other people understood in the conversation, this is productive knowledge. Knowing the written form means being able to recognize the written form when reading, this is receptive knowledge; in the meantime, knowing the written form means being able to spell correctly the written form in writing, this is productive knowledge (Schmitt, 2000).Schmitt points out that the more similar between the second language and first language in spelling and pronunciation, the easier learners to attain these knowledge in second language. For example, it is easier for Spanish to learn the spoken and written form of English than to learn Chinese and Japanese, due to different orthographic and pronunciation systems (ibid). In terms of word parts, it involves knowing the prefix, suffix and stem that make up a word as well as knowing the word family (Nation 2001). It is possible to decode the meaning of unknown word when knowing the prefix, suffix or stem of this word. Take the word unbelievable, for an example. Prefix un means not, opposite, believe means trust something, -able means can be, worthy of, therefore the meaning of unbelievable is Not to be believed. In addition, Nation (2001) point out that knowing a word involves knowing the members of word family that will increase as proficiency develops. For example, knowing the word able, learners may know unable, disable, in the beginning, then they will know enable, ability, abilities, disabled disability. Normally, the knowledge of phonics, word reorganization and spelling are learnt by explicit instruction, such as repeat exercises, drills and rote memorization. Although this explicit instruction helps learners to acquire this knowledge to some extent, however, too much depending on exercises and rote memorization leads to boredom and decrease motivation. The best way to develop the phonics, word reorganization and spelling skill is to provide more opportunities to engage in meaningful reading and writing in the particular context. In addition, Learners can be trained and encouraged to use learning strategies. Such as finding analogies, cover and recall, focusing on difficult parts and setting regular learning goals (Nation: 2001:46). 2.2 Word meaning: Nation (2001) points out that knowing the meaning of a word includes connecting form and meaning, concept and referents, and word associations. Normally the word form and meaning are learned together. it means that when learners hear and see the word form, the meaning of this word will retrieved, in the meantime, when they want to express the meaning of word, the form of this word will retrieved as well. Daulton (1998) points out that the same form in the target language and first language makes learning the word meanings burden light. For example, English has some loan words from Japan; this helps Japanese learn some English words easier. In terms of concepts and referents, each word has got a core concept, while other meanings vary. It means a word has got a lot of meanings depending on the different contexts. Aitcheson (1987) also points out that there is a fuzzy boundary in the meanings of a word. One of the main reasons is that schema is different in the different contexts (Schm itt, 2000). In addition, Richards (1976:81) claims that words do not exist in isolation .Knowing a word involves knowing word association. Word associations are the links that words are related to each other in peoples mind. One word is given to a learner; some other that are similar or opposite, and related words easily come to mind. e.g. Accident-car, blood, hospital. School- chair, table, classroom, students, teachers; Home- kitchen, dish, food. 2.3 Word use Nation (2001) points out that knowing how to use a word involves knowing the word grammatical functions, collocations and being aware of constraints on use due to many factors, such as register, frequency and different cultures. Grammatical function is one of the most important linguistic constraints in choosing a word to use, and grammatical function refers to word classes and what grammatical patterns one word can fit into (ibid).e.g. we can say I know a lot, I eat a lot, I read a lot, however we cannot say I knowledge a lot, I eaten a lot, I reading a lot. Register and frequency are other particular types of word constrains on use. Register is considered as the stylistic constraints that make each word more or less appropriate for certain language situations or language purposes (Schmitt, 2000:31). In terms of word frequency, High frequency words (laugh) are heard and seen and used more frequently than low frequency words (guffaw, giggle, and chuckle). Generally speaking, low frequency words are used in the particular discipline, e.g. medicine, law, engineering, literature and so on). Therefore, High frequency words are more easily recognized and recalled than low frequency words. Therefore, knowing the use of a word should be aware of constrains on use of a word. In this section, word form, word meaning and word use are discussed. Next I will select collocation as one type of word knowledge (collocation) to discuss in more detail.Firstly, I will explore the definition of collocation, the types of collocation, and then I suggest that the knowledge of collocations is essential for learners, lastly, some advice on teaching and learning collocations in the classroom are given. The definition and clarification of collocation Collocation is defined in different way by researchers. collocation refers to items whose meaning is not obvious from their parts (Palm 1933 in Firth 1957, summarised in Nation, 2001:317).e.g., blonde hair, shrug his shoulders, fizzy drink, bite the dust. According to Schmittà ¯Ã‚ ¼Ã‹â€ 2000:76à ¯Ã‚ ¼Ã¢â‚¬ °,collocation is described as the tendency of two or more words to co-occur in discourse. Here co-occurrence is the main characteristic of collocation. Similar to Schmitt, Lewis (2000:132) describes it in another way as collocation is the way in which words co-occur in natural text in statistically significant ways, in this definition, the way words naturally co-occur is emphasized. It implies that people cannot put two or more words together arbitrarily, because words co-occur naturally. In fact, it is very common that some learners in foreign and second language context tend to put two or more words together arbitrarily because of the first language interference. For example, d o a decision instead of make a decision, big rain instead of heavy rain. Nation (2001:371) defines collocation asany generally accepted grouping of words into phrases or clauses. This definition reflects the two criteria of collocation which are frequency occur together and have some degree of semantic unpredictability (ibid). The above definitions indicate that words co-occur naturally, it is not easy for learners to get the meaning of collocation form its components, and as a result, it may cause problems for learners to acquire the knowledge of collocations. The definition of collocation leads to the shift to explore the types of collocation. Collocations are divided into two basic types: grammatical/syntactic collocations and Semantic/lexical collocations (Schmitt.2000). The former refers to one word combines with other words with the grammatical rule. E.g. get used to, be good at .the latter means multi words co-occur to contribute the meaning. E.g. make a mistake, catch a bus. Lewis (2000) lists different types of collocation, such as verb+noun, noun+noun, adjective + noun, verb+adjective, fixed phrase, part of proverb, binomial, trinomial and so on. The significance of learning collocations 4.1 The underlying rule of organization of lexicon Sinclair (1991) advances two principles (the open-choice principle and the idiom principle) to explain the organization of the texts. The open-choice principle suggests that you can put any word in the slot to make texts as long as you follow the grammar rule. It is known as slot-and-filler model. However, this principle cannot explain the collocation constrains. The idiom principle highlights that there are some regularities when two or more words combine together, and Sinclair claims that there are some constrains on the choices words in discourse(ibid), in other words, the way words co-occur are not random. Hill (2000) also agrees with the idea that the lexicon is not arbitrary. E.g. commit. A relatively fixed set of words can co-occur with it. E.g. suicide, crime, murder, sin. But not promise, advice, plan. 4.2 The size of collocation Groups of words or phrases are used very frequently to express meaning in the oral and written texts. Hill (2000) claims that two or more than two words collocations make up a huge percentage in the text. It is estimated that up to 70% of everything we use in oral and written texts are fixed expression. This widely used collocation implies that if non-native learners have got a huge amount of collocation, it will be helpful for them to achieve native-like fluency in the target language. Nation (2001) also points out that knowing the collocation knowledge of a word is one of the most important aspects of knowing a word. 4.3 Native-like fluency Learning collocation helps learners to speak and write English in a more natural and accurate way (Dell and McCarthy, 2008).if learners store a huge number of collocations, this allows them to retrieve ready-made language, think more quickly and produce language efficiently (Hill 2000).in addition, they do not need to make sentences word by word to express themselves, and this assists them in using English not only naturally but accurately. According to my experience of teaching English in China, due to the first language interference, the direct translate are used to produce language, the inaccurate use of collocation is very common in the essay writing, and this is one of the main causes which lead to the emergence of Chinglish, e.g. eat medicine, make exercise, receive the telephone e, open/close the radio, look TV instead of take medicine, do exercise, answer the telephone, turn on/turn off radio, watch TV. 4.4 language acquisition Learning collocation enhances language acquisition (Hill, 2000). Nation (2001) points out that collocation helps learners to store knowledge quickly. If learners have got a huge number of collocations in mind, it is easier for them to retrieve ready-made language from their mental lexicon and think more quickly because they can recognize big chunks of language when reading and listening, and this is very helpful for them to understand the meaning in the speed of speech and the long reading texts. In contrast, if learners decode the meaning of speech and texts word by word, maybe they know the meaning of each word, however, they do not know the meaning of collocation or chunks in the long discourse. It may be difficult for them to get the accurate meaning of the speech and texts. Based on my teaching experiences as a high school English teacher, I found that most of the students in my class have got difficulty understanding the meaning of the entire paragraph due to lack of collocatio n competence. Hill (2000) also agree with this explanation that one of the main reason for having difficulty in reading or listening is due to lack of collocation competence, rather than the load of new words. E.g. as far as I know, the old sheep comes up with the idea that he will give up on his dream to look after little sheep, however, he cannot make this decision due to other people. This makes him keep crying all the time. Even though students know the meaning of each word in the above paragraph, it is still very hard for them to understand the entire paragraph because they are not familiar with some collocations inside. In the above two sections, the definition, types of collocation and the significance of collocation were discussed. In the next section, I would like to give some suggestions on teaching and learning collocations in the classroom. 5. Teaching collocations in the classroom Here are some suggestions and activities for English language teachers that will help students to acquire the knowledge of collocations in the classroom. 5.1 Raising awareness of collocation in classroom Woolard (2000) points out that raising learners awareness of the importance of collocations is a good way to help them notice them. Teachers should explain the rationale for collocation, the significance of learning collocation in language acquisition, and then make learners know that words are not used in isolation, knowing one word also means knowing which word is likely to co-occur with it, Teachers can emphasize in the classroom instruction that knowing collocations not only helps them to receive (reading and listening) and store language quickly but also produce language naturally and accurately. E.g. When teaching reading, it is an effective way to ask learners to identify collocations in the texts and let them make a list of collocations. When teaching speaking, teachers can ask learners to predict the collocations of the word. If teachers encourage learners to notice collocations in input and output teaching activities, this practice will help learners develop an ability to n otice and use collocations. It also helps learners to develop learner autonomy, when they read newspaper, listen to radio, watch TV and talk to other people in English. They will notice the existence of collocations in spoken and written texts. 5.2 Increasing language input and providing output opportunities Using the authentic reading texts is an effective way to teach collocations. In the classroom, Lewis (2000) also suggests that teachers should choose the right kind of texts which includes different types of collocations. These texts can be used in the intensive reading practice. However, this is not enough to acquire the knowledge of collocations. Krashen(1985 )points out that enough comprehensible input is a source of language acquisition. Collocations are used in different types of texts, such as newspaper, magazine, and story books. It is good for learners to do extensive reading to encounter collocations in these authentic texts and remember them in the notebooks. In addition, extensive reading provides learners with context to make the understanding of the meaning of collocation easier and deeper, therefore. Extensive reading not only helps them to know how native speakers use the collocations in the natural way, but also moves learning collocations from short to long-term memo ry. However, Swain (1995) claims that despite the fact that learners are given a rich source of comprehensible input in the French immersion programmes in Canada. It is still hard for learners to produce the native-like language proficiency. Teaching collocations also needs to provide opportunities to learners to practice how to use collocations. These activities can be some communicative activities in terms of writing and speaking. Hill, Lewis and Lewis (2000) suggest that teachers can ask learners to find the collocations in the reading texts, and then use these collocations to reconstruct the content. Some collocation errors can be found. Teachers need to write down these errors in the blackboard and make learners to analyse them. The same activities can be done by listening to tapes or stories and then ask learners to speak out the collocations. Some exercises are used to help learners acquire collocations (Dell and McCarthy, 2008). Such as Fill in blanks, Match games True/False. 5.3 Using resources: Collocation Dictionaries and corpora and concordances It is a good way to get learners use collocation dictionaries to know more about collocations. e.g. Oxford Collocations Dictionary for students of English. In addition, with the development of internet, the innovative corpora and concordances are becoming the effective way for learners to check collocations online. They provide great texts to check collocations and grow dramatically with the update texts. Corpus has brought great insights into linguistics, especially into the study of collocations. A corpus collects the written or spoken texts and stores them in the computer. It is very helpful and efficient way to use the corpus to check how the people use collocations in written or spoken texts .Sinclair (1991:32) defines a concordance is a collection of the occurrences of a word-form, each in its own textual environment. Compared to collocation dictionary, concordance allows us view more collocation lists in the corpus. However, I think it is necessary for teachers to provide learners with some training to help them use it well, this also encourage learner autonomy. 6. Conclusion In this paper, I have explained and exemplified the question what is involved knowing a word. Word form, word meaning and word use were discussed briefly. Such as spelling, pronunciation, word parts, word meanings, word associations, grammatical functions, register, collocations, frequency and so on. In these many aspects of word knowledge, collocation as one type of word knowledge was chosen to explore. First, the definition and classification of collocation were discussed, and then the reason for choosing collocations was explained. Next, this author proceeded to explore how to teach collocations in the classroom. Lastly, this paper offers some suggestions on how to help learners acquire the knowledge of collocations in the classroom. Appendix 1: The meaning of knowing a word(Richards,1976), 1 The native speaker of a language continues to expand his vocabulary in adulthood, whereas there is comparatively little development of syntax in adult life. 2 Knowing a word means knowing the degree of probability of encountering that word in speech or print. For many words we also know the sort of words most likely to be found associated with the word 3 Knowing a word implies knowing the limitations imposed on the use of the word according to variations of function and situation. 4 Knowing a word means knowing the syntactic behavior associated with that word. 5 Knowing a word entails knowledge of the underlying form of a word and the derivations that can be made from it. 6 Knowing a word entails knowledge of the network of associations between that word and other words in language. 7 Knowing a word means knowing the semantic value of a word. 8 Knowing a word means knowing many of the different meanings associated with the word. Appendix 2: What is involved in knowing a word? (Nation, 2001) Form spoken R P What does the word sound like? How is the word pronounced? written R P What does the word look like? How is the word written and spelled? word parts R P What parts are recognizable in this word? What word parts are needed to express the meaning? Meaning Form and meaning R P What meaning does this word form signal? What word form can be used to express this meaning? Concept and referents R P What is included in the concept? What items can the concept refer to? associations R P What other words does this make us think of? What other words could we use instead of this one? Use grammatical functions R P In what patterns does the word occur? In what patterns must we use this word? collocations R P What words or types of words occur with this one? What words or types of words must we use with this one? constraints on use (register, frequency ) R P Where, when, and how often would we expect to meet this word? Where, when, and how often can we use this word?

Sunday, October 13, 2019

Essay example --

Major George E. Pickett was from a Virginia family that came to the Colony in 1635. George was a friendly and brave man who made the decision to attend West Point Military Academy, later graduating last with the class of 1846, but with George B. McClellan and Thomas J. Jackson. Due to George’s academic standings at his graduation, he was placed in the infantry and became an army officer, who received two brevets in the Mexican War with officers that he would later have to fight against. When the 9th U. S. Infantry was established, Pickett was soon promoted to Captain stationed within Washington Territory. He and 68 of his men went against hundreds of British troops, giving him a victory in what is known in history as â€Å"the Pig War†. After serving 15 long years in the United States army, Pickett was assigned as a brigadier general for the CSA in January 14, 1862. When the Seven Days Campaign began, he injured himself while serving with his command during the Battle of Gaines Mill. With all his hard work acknowledged upon rejoining the army, his rank went up to being Major General Geor...

Saturday, October 12, 2019

Jungle Book :: essays research papers

Part 1: Identifying 1.) Protagonists- In a story or movie the Protagonist(s) is/are the main character(s). In the story A separate Peace the protagonist is Phineas(Finny). 2.) Antagonists- In a story or movie the Antagonist(s) is/are the character or force in conflict with a main character, or Protagonist(s). In the story A Separate Peace the Antagonist is Gene. 3.) Setting- In a story or movie the Setting is the time & place of the action. In the story A Separate Peace the setting is at the Devon School. 4.) Mood- In a story or movie the Mood is the feeling created n the passage. In the story A Separate Peace the mood is sad because jealousy ruined Gene & Finny’s friendship. 5.) Conflicts- In a story or movie the Conflict is a struggle between opposing forces. There are two types of Conflicts: Internal & External. An Internal Conflict involves a character in conflict with himself or herself. In the story A Separate Peace the Internal Conflict is Gene vs. himself. In an external conflict, the main character struggles against an outside force. In the story A Separate Peace the External Conflict Gene vs. Finny. 6.) Suspense- In a story or movie the Suspense is the feeling of curiosity or uncertainty about the outcome of events. In the story A Separate Peace the Suspense is when Gene shakes the tree limb & Finny falls & shatters the bone in his leg. Part 2: Elements of plot   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  1.) Exposition- In a story or movie the exposition is the background information, which sets the scene for the conflict. In the story A Separate Peace the exposition is the following: At the beginning of the story Gene has been out of school for fifteen years & has decided to come back & visit. While visiting he saw the tree that Finny & he had jumped from into the Devon so many years a go, which brought back a lot of memories. He then remembers the Super Suicide Society of the Summer Session. That was the club that Finny came up with.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  To be in the club you had to jump off a high tree limb & into the Devon. Since Finny was a daredevil, he decided to go first. Gene was an intellectual & was afraid to jump, but he jumped anyway. They were then late for supper, which had been noted by Mr. Prud’homme.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚     Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The next morning Mr.

Friday, October 11, 2019

Country Lovers Essay

A story of forbidden love on a South African farm, one child nothing more than a farm worker, as the other one prepares for boarding school. Both ignorant to the color of their skins, all they knew they were best friends playing together until they grew up and then it was not allowed. But when Paulus turns fifteen and goes to school things start to change he begins to realize the difference between boys and girls, and then the consequences behind his actions, but then it’s too late to turn back. What drew me into this story was the title country lovers, and then the forbidden love on a South African farm I wanted to see what it was about, curios to know if it was about two people of different races falling in love, creating racial relationships in a place that forbid it. And that was exactly what it was, two kids playing together as kids, a boy white and girl black, everyday playing on his father’s farm. What I couldn’t understand was why they were able to play as kids but not be able to socialize when they got older. If it was because of racial boundaries, why not keep them apart even when they are kids, then it wouldn’t be so confusing. The literary term and concept that best describes they way I am feeling about this would be Imagination because it expresses how the author was feeling about racial differences and allows the reader to feel what the author is writing about. I am using the Reader – Response approach to analyze my story because it asks you to connect with the literature, and find a personal link or imaginative entry into a story. And that is what this author makes you do. While reading this story I had a lot of different emotions like why did he change when he went to school, but when he came home he was with thebedi. Even though he met people at school whose family’s was prosperous famer’s? He still was bringing gifts to thebedi, she making gifts for him and both lying about where they came from and why. They had been sneaking around for months, so when she was eighteen and the farmer’s son was nineteen he left for veterinary college, Njabulo’s parents asked Thebedi’s parents to marry their son and they agreed on it, not telling Paulus or Njabulo that she might be pregnant. When the baby was born looked nothing like Njabulo, but he still was going to take care of her as if she was his own. This would be Satire because he should feel anger but instead he is willing to take care of her. My thinking didn’t change because in that time that’s what happens when two different races mix and have children, I just thank god it’s not like that now to the extreme it was then. Because I love people for who they are not because of where they come from. Because of the author’s background growing up in South Africa I can understand why she feels this way, they have different traditions and beliefs. This was a very good story; I enjoyed reading it and feeling what they were going through.

Thursday, October 10, 2019

“How does Alfred Hitchcock explore the duality of human nature in the film Psycho?” Essay

Alfred Hitchcock uses many ways to explore the duality of human nature in his films, especially in the 1960 horror thriller Psycho. The duality of human nature represents our inner self, aspects that are mainly opposites, the light showing good, the dark showing evil, the natural and the unnatural, are just some examples of human nature. Hitchcock explored the duality of human nature using ways such as lighting, dialogue, camera angles, music, comparing and contrasting what different characters would do when facing the same problem and individuation. According to Carl Jung, individuation is when a person confronts they inner side (usually the dark, negative and evil side). He believed that successful individuation meant that a person not only confronted their dark side, but conquered it as well and that people needed to recognise and confront the negative aspects of their personality or their â€Å"dark† side would destroy the person. This means that inside everyone, there is a darker side, an evil and bad side, that must be confronted, or it will ruin you. By looking at the two main characters Norman and Marion, and two minor characters, Sam and Lila, we can see the duality of human nature. Both Marion and Norman are being confronted with their inner dark self, yet, Marion conquers her dark side, while Norman lets it take over his life. Sam and Lila, however, are mostly seen as good and â€Å"natural†. There are many key scenes throughout the movie Physco, which explore the duality of human nature. Some of these scenes include the opening scene, the scene in which Marion is driving away after taking the money and the parlour scene. The blackness of Psycho’s opening credits sequence symbolizes death and the opening scene of Psycho starts with a pan view of the cityscape of Arizona. The shot, from a wide pan into a dark bedroom, leads the viewer into a dark, secretive space, showing the viewer immediately that we will witness something secretive and dark occurring during the film. The viewer also knows that the theme of hiding from something is established, as the two are hiding their affair, and Sam is hiding, or shying away, from marriage to Marion. We learn that the two have money problems, from Sam, who says, â€Å"I sweat to pay off my father’s debts and he’s in his grave. I sweat to pay my ex-wife alimony, and she’s living on the other side of the world somewhere†, and â€Å"A couple of years and my debts will be paid off, and if she ever remarries the alimony stops. † Marion knows the only problem between the two of them is money, and that if it wasn’t for money, the two could be together. It is at this time, that Marion begins to confront her inner self, the need for more money, so she herself can marry Sam, and not have to worry about her job. When Marion returns to work after her â€Å"lunch hour† she complains of a headache. When Marion’ s boss asks her to deposit $40,000 for him, â€Å"I don’t even want it in the office over the weekend. Put it in the safe deposit box in the bank and we’ll get him to give us a check on Monday instead†¦ † Marion sees this as a chance for her to finally be with Sam and solve all her financial problems. Behind Marion’s desk are paintings of sprawling lands, including images of trees, woods and natural landscape. These images juxtapose her isolation and show her desires for freedom. The scene in which Marion is driving away from Phoenix is also a key scene in which Hitchcock explores the duality of human nature. We see Marion driving away, after she leaves Phoenix and after she meets with the Police Officer, trades her car, and as she does so, the audience sees how uneasy she feels, the tension in her expressions, and we hear the imaginary voices she is hearing in her head, about what may be happening because she has taken the $40,000. Marion is thinking about what the consequences of her â€Å"theft† were, and what is happening back in Phoenix. The audience hears the voices in Marion’s head, the voices of Marion’s boss, her sister, what Marion is thinking. The audience is put into Marion’s mind. We feel the tension when she is being interrogated by the Police Officer and in a way, we feel relieved when she is let off, even though what she did was morally wrong. In many places in this scene, we are put into the point of view from Marion’s perspective, which brings duality of human nature not only to her, but to us as well, as we feel like WE are in the scene. Hitchcock does this as he wants the audience to think, what they would do if we were Marion’s position, which questions our own duality. Marion, while she is driving away with the stolen money, has currently let her dark, inner side take over her. She is taking advantage of her boss’s trust in her and is doing this out of personally greed and wealth. Here, Hitchcock is showing us what giving in to your inner dark side can result in. One of the major key scenes in Psycho that shows how Hitchcock explored the duality of human nature is the parlor scene, between Marion and Norman. At the start of the scene, after Norman returns from the house with milk and food, they converse briefly outside on the porch, and we see a reflection of Norman on the window. This shows his other side, his â€Å"mother† side, which has just been â€Å"lit† in him. The framings of Norman and Marion are unnatural. She is roundly lit, while he is being lit at angles and relatively more dim than Marion. He is a man, offering milk to a woman, and the openness he shows towards her symbolize the fact that he has chosen her as his next victim. However, it is not till they go into the actual parlor that Hitchcock explores the duality of human nature even more. The parlor room is quite small, which forces Marion and Norman to sit quite closely to each other. Even though they are both in the same room, the lighting the two receive is considerably different. Marion sits near a lamp, and her frame looks more lit, and well-rounded, giving her a glowing and warm feeling, as if she is good and positive. It appears to seem that she is redeeming herself from what bad she did before. Norman, however, has a frame with many shadows- a symbol of darkness and evilness and the lighting on him seems both angular and irregular, and unlike Marion, we cannot see the whole of Normans face, like as if Norman is hiding something. Also, while Marion looks like she is at total ease, Norman seems to be irregular and the atmospheres around him seems to be evil and dark. During almost the whole scene, Norman’s left side of his face is the only side that’s visible, while we can see the whole of Marion’s face. While both characters do not look to out of place in they individual frames, when they are put side by side, there is a clear contrast between Marion and Norman. Marion, in light colored clothing, seems to represent goodness and normalness, while Norman, in dark colored clothing, seems to represent evil, darkness, and a sense of abnormality. Here, we see very, very clearly the duality of human nature. Marion symbolizing the good, and Norman symbolizing the bad. But there is even more to this scene that adds onto the duality of human nature. We learn that Norman has a hobby for stuffing birds, and we see them, around the walls of the parlor, the camera often using a low angle shot to capture them. They seem to look over what is going on, and as they appear above Norman, look as though they are overpowering him, making his decisions and such. This shows that while Marion is trying to conquer her inner side, Norman has already let it conquer him. Norman asks Marion â€Å"What are you running away from? † and Marion seems shocked that he would ask. But when Norman says, â€Å"No. People never run away from anything. The rain didn’t last long, did it. You know what I think? I think that we’re all in our private traps–clamped in them. And none of us can ever get out. We–we scratch and claw, but only at the air–only at each other. And for all of it, we never budge an inch†, Marion begins to realize that she needs to go back and get out of her â€Å"trap† instead of trying to run away from it. We also find out that Norman himself is also in a trap, but he says, â€Å"I was born in mine. I don’t mind it anymore†, it shows us that Norman has not been able to conquer his inner side and has let it conquer him. Unlike Norman though, Marion does conquer her inner dark self and we know this when she says, â€Å"I’m very tired. And I have a long drive tomorrow–all the way back to Phoenix†, â€Å"I stepped into a private trap back there and I’d like to go back and try to pull myself out of it before it’s too late for me too. † This again emphasises the point that Marion is the good and natural side while Norman is the dark, evil and unnatural side. So by just looking at some of these key scenes in the film Psycho, we know that Alfred Hitchcock used many ways to explore the duality of human nature. He used lighting to bring some characters into â€Å"good light† and show the â€Å"goodness† in some and the â€Å"darkness† in others. He also used camera angles, the show the sense of normality in some and abnormality in others, making them natural or unnatural. What different characters said also explored the duality of human nature, as the dialogue was very important, as it gave us an inside view to what the characters were thinking as well as what they said. Individuation- confronting and conquering your inner dark side, also explores the duality of human nature. Comparing and contrasting characters was another way Hitchcock explored the duality of human nature as he compared the good characters to the bad, and what different characters would do under the same problem. So, it is clear to see, that Hitchcock used many successful ways to explore the duality of human nature in the film Psycho.